It was my lingering wish to make a lacy umbrella and a hat with flowers. And at last – I've got a chance to do it!
A happy Italian family! ))
I've seen already several different Tilda Cat tutorials, but yet I have some sewing tips to add that would help you to create this lovely Tilda Cat more easier and quicker.
What we need:
And here's the first tip: though I don't baste parts (I just pin them together across the stitch), but if you are not experienced enough you'd better do basting first.
1. We don't cut into patterns all the parts at the same time, we do everything step by step: Start with the Cat's MUZZLE – Folder the piece of fabric the right side in, pin together, trace around the pattern piece (don't forget to follow the grainline of fabric), sew the middle line (it would be then the center line of the muzzle), then cut the part out.
trace the pattern of the muzzle on the other side
2.The Cat's Body:
First goes the front- side part of the body. We trace around its pattern on the wrong side of the fabric, and cut it remembering to include ¼'' seam allowance (3-4 mm), (we don't cut the paws out!)
ATTENTION! Don't forget to follow the grainline of fabric, otherwise the body will distort after you fill it with the stuffing.
After that we put the muzzle and the front-side part of the body together (right side to the right side of the fabric)
and sew them with short stitches (2-3 cm long)on the sides (don't forget to secure the stitches making reverse motion so that the seam doesn't loosen while stuffing).
ATTENTION: there must be left an open gap in the middle through which we will then stuff the toy.
Then we put this sewed part on the right side of the fabric (mind again to follow the grainline)
smooth down the muzzle and the ears, pin the parts to the fabric
and sew the part around the contour without leaving any open space.
ATTENTION! That's my another sewing tip: if you leave an open gap for stuffing somewhere in the contour of the body it will be then very hard to conceal this place no matter how neat you sew it. That's why I leave open gap for stuffing on the neck of the Cat and then disguise it under a ribbon. That's the catch!
After that we cut the body leaving ¼'' (3-4 mm) seam allowance.
Notch the corners so that after you turn the body out, the seam doesn't ruckle.
3. PAWS and TAIL we make from the remaining pieces of the fabric.
Attention: these parts we cut on the bias (thus they will better keep form and easier turn out)
Then with sharp scissors we make cuts, turn the parts right side out, fill them with stuffing and hand-stitch carefully with the thread the same color as the fabric.
The tail can be turned to the different sides - it depends on what side you make a cut. I never know beforehand which side it will be - I like surprises!
4. Fill the Cat's body with stuffing through the gap
and while the gap is open we attach eyes-beads (thus we can hide a knot).
IMPORTANT: first we fix the thread on the back of the neck and then we bring it to the front side of the muzzle;
then we sew on the bead and return again the thread to the back of the neck, pull it and fix tightly – thus we make the eye-beads sunken (not protruded as lobster's eyes),
Do the same with the second eye-bead.
After that we embroider the nose and the Cat's smile
stitch the open gap for stuffing.
5. Now we fill the paws and the tail with stuffing,
hand-stitch the gaps
6. Then we need to attach the paws ant the tail: first pin them to the body so to place them correctly,
after that we hand-sew them on with buttons.
7. Now we decorate the seam on the Cat's neck with a ribbon.
8. Making wings:
sew around the contour,
cut out
notch the acute angles, make a cut in the middle,
turn it right side out and fill a little bit with the stuffing,
baste around the contour and hand-stitch the gap. If you wish to aromatize the Cat you can put inside the wings some vanilla-lavender-cinnamon-mint-juniper or anything else.
We hand-stitch the wings (and at the same time fix the ribbon so that it doesn't move) and make the tab for hanging using flax or hemp string.
9. Put something into the Cat's paws (a bunch of flowers, a fish, a bell or a heart)
10.The Flying Cat is ready – pleased and smiling!
Enjoy your sewing! And I'm glad to answer your questions!
My Cat Goes Flying Through the Air